A delicious, healthy and quick lunch recipe – Salmon with cream and cheese!


When it comes to preparing a meal that is both incredibly delicious and fast, few dishes can rival this exquisite salmon recipe. The combination of tender, flaky salmon, aromatic garlic, juicy cherry tomatoes, and creamy Parmesan sauce creates a symphony of flavors that will tantalize your taste buds. This recipe is not only quick and easy to prepare but also brings a touch of gourmet flair to your dining table. Whether you are cooking for family or hosting a dinner party, this dish is guaranteed to impress.


To create this culinary masterpiece, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Salmon fillets
  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • Butter and oil for frying
  • 150 grams (5.3 ounces) of cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 150 milliliters (2/3 cup) of cooking cream
  • 50 grams (1.8 ounces) of Parmesan cheese, grated
  • 50 grams (1.8 ounces) of spinach
  • Parsley to taste, chopped
  • Basil to taste, chopped
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Nutritional Information

  • Calories: 450 kcal
  • Protein: 28 grams
  • Fat: 32 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 10 grams
  • Fiber: 2 grams
  • Vitamin A: 25% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Vitamin C: 30% of the DV
  • Calcium: 20% of the DV
  • Iron: 15% of the DV

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Preparing the Salmon

Begin by seasoning the salmon fillets generously with salt and pepper. This simple seasoning will enhance the natural flavor of the fish while allowing the other ingredients to shine.

2. Frying the Salmon

In a large skillet, heat a combination of butter and oil over medium-high heat. Once the butter has melted and the oil is shimmering, carefully add the salmon fillets to the skillet. Fry the salmon for about 4-5 minutes on each side, or until both sides are golden brown and the fish is cooked through. Remove the salmon from the skillet and set aside.

3. Sautéing the Garlic

In the same skillet, add a little more butter if necessary and lower the heat to medium. Add the minced garlic to the skillet and sauté for about 1-2 minutes until fragrant. Be careful not to burn the garlic, as it can become bitter.

4. Adding the Vegetables

Next, add the cherry tomatoes, spinach, and chopped basil to the skillet. Sauté for about 3-4 minutes, or until the tomatoes begin to soften and the spinach wilts. The tomatoes will release their juices, creating a flavorful base for the sauce.

5. Creating the Creamy Sauce

Pour in the cooking cream and add the chopped parsley. Stir well to combine all the ingredients. Allow the mixture to simmer for a few minutes, letting the flavors meld together and the sauce thicken slightly.

6. Incorporating the Parmesan Cheese

Gradually add the grated Parmesan cheese to the skillet, stirring constantly to ensure it melts smoothly into the sauce. The cheese will add a rich, creamy texture and a savory depth of flavor.

7. Finishing the Dish

Finally, return the fried salmon fillets to the skillet, nestling them into the creamy sauce. Let the salmon simmer gently in the sauce for an additional 2-3 minutes, allowing it to soak up all the wonderful flavors. Be careful not to overcook the salmon during this step.

8. Serving Suggestions

This delicious salmon dish is best served hot, garnished with additional fresh parsley and basil if desired. It pairs beautifully with a side of steamed rice, quinoa, or a light green salad. For an extra touch of elegance, you can also serve it with a chilled glass of white wine, such as a crisp Sauvignon Blanc or a buttery Chardonnay.

Tips for Success

  • Choose Fresh Ingredients: The quality of your ingredients, especially the salmon, will greatly impact the final dish. Opt for fresh, high-quality salmon fillets and ripe, juicy cherry tomatoes.
  • Control the Heat: When frying the salmon and sautéing the garlic, maintain a medium heat to prevent burning. Burnt garlic can impart a bitter taste to the dish.
  • Adjust Seasonings: Taste the sauce before adding the salmon back into the skillet. Adjust the seasonings as needed, adding more salt, pepper, or herbs to suit your preferences.
  • Serve Immediately: This dish is best enjoyed immediately after cooking, while the salmon is still hot and the sauce is creamy.


This fast, easy, and incredibly delicious salmon recipe is sure to become a favorite in your culinary repertoire. With its rich flavors, creamy texture, and elegant presentation, it is perfect for both weeknight dinners and special occasions. Give this recipe a try and experience the delightful combination of salmon, garlic, tomatoes, spinach, and Parmesan cheese.

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