Bright As Sunshine Orange Juice Cupcakes Recipe With Citrus Glaze


There’s something incredibly uplifting about the bright and zesty flavor of oranges. Imagine biting into a moist, fluffy cupcake bursting with the sweet and tangy essence of freshly squeezed orange juice, topped with a luscious citrus glaze. These Bright As Sunshine Orange Juice Cupcakes are perfect for any occasion, whether it’s a sunny picnic, a festive gathering, or just a treat to brighten your day. This recipe combines the natural sweetness of oranges with the comforting texture of homemade cupcakes, making it a hit for all ages. Let’s dive into the delicious details and learn how to create these delightful cupcakes from scratch.


For the Cupcakes:

  • 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 2 1/2 cups flour
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2/3 cup milk
  • 2/3 cup fresh orange juice
  • 1 1/2 sticks (3/4 cup) butter, melted and cooled, divided (1/2 cup for cupcakes and 1/4 cup for glaze)
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

For the Citrus Glaze:

  • 3 cups powdered sugar
  • 2 medium oranges (1/4 – 1/3 cup juice and zest)

Recipe Notes

  • To get the most juice from the oranges, use a citrus juicer or juice them with a fork.
  • Store the cupcakes in an airtight container to keep them fresh.
  • The powdered sugar glaze can be omitted if you prefer a less sweet treat.
  • For a variation, try using lemons and lemon juice instead of oranges.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Prepare the Cupcake Batter

1. Preheat the Oven:

  • Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Line 24 muffin tins with baking liners.

2. Mix Dry Ingredients:

  • In a large mixing bowl, whisk together 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar, 1/4 cup brown sugar, 2 1/2 cups flour, 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder, and 1 teaspoon salt. This ensures that the baking powder is evenly distributed, which is crucial for the cupcakes to rise properly.

3. Combine Wet Ingredients:

  • In another bowl, beat 2 large eggs. Add 2/3 cup milk, 2/3 cup fresh orange juice, 1/2 cup of the melted butter, and 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract. Mix well until fully combined.

4. Create the Batter:

  • Gradually add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients, mixing until just combined. Be careful not to overmix, as this can make the cupcakes dense. The batter should be smooth and slightly thick.

Step 2: Bake the Cupcakes

1. Fill the Muffin Tins:

  • Spoon the batter into the lined muffin tins, filling each one about halfway full. This allows room for the cupcakes to rise.

2. Bake:

  • Place the muffin tins in the preheated oven and bake for about 25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of a cupcake comes out clean. Ovens vary, so start checking at the 20-minute mark.

3. Cool:

  • Remove the cupcakes from the oven and let them cool in the tins for about 5 minutes. Then transfer them to a wire rack to cool completely. This prevents the bottoms from becoming soggy.

Step 3: Prepare the Citrus Glaze

1. Juice and Zest the Oranges:

  • Juice the 2 medium oranges to obtain 1/4 – 1/3 cup of juice. Zest the oranges to add extra flavor and texture to the glaze.

2. Make the Glaze:

  • In a medium bowl, combine 3 cups powdered sugar, 1/4 cup melted butter, the orange zest, and the fresh orange juice. Mix until smooth and well blended. The glaze should be thick but pourable. If it’s too thick, add a bit more juice; if it’s too thin, add more powdered sugar.

Step 4: Glaze the Cupcakes

1. Dip the Cupcakes:

  • Once the cupcakes have cooled completely, dip the tops of each cupcake into the citrus glaze, allowing any excess to drip off. For a more decorative look, you can drizzle the glaze over the cupcakes using a spoon.

2. Let the Glaze Set:

  • Place the glazed cupcakes on a wire rack or a parchment-lined baking sheet to let the glaze set. This usually takes about 15-20 minutes.

Serving and Storing

1. Serve:

  • These orange juice cupcakes are best enjoyed fresh, showcasing their vibrant citrus flavor. They make a perfect dessert or snack, paired with a cup of tea or coffee.

2. Store:

  • Store any leftover cupcakes in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days. If you need to keep them longer, you can refrigerate them for up to a week. For extended storage, freeze the cupcakes (without glaze) for up to 3 months. Thaw them at room temperature and glaze before serving.


These Bright As Sunshine Orange Juice Cupcakes are a delightful way to enjoy the refreshing flavor of oranges in a sweet and satisfying treat. The combination of moist cake and tangy citrus glaze creates a harmonious balance that’s sure to impress. Whether you’re baking for a special occasion or just to satisfy your sweet tooth, this recipe is a guaranteed winner. Try it today and let the sunshine in with every bite.

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