I Eat Three Times a Day! Recipe for German Healthy Cookies

Are you craving a tasty snack that’s not only delicious but also nutritious? Look no further! In this article, we’ll delve into the delightful world of German healthy cookies. Packed with a medley of dried fruits, nuts, and seeds, these cookies are not just a treat for your taste buds but also a wholesome snack to keep you energized throughout the day.


Have you ever wanted a snack that’s both delicious and nourishing? Look no further than German healthy cookies! These delectable treats are not only bursting with flavor but also packed with essential nutrients to fuel your day.

Ingredients Overview

Before diving into the recipe, let’s take a quick look at the ingredients you’ll need:

  • Dried Apricots: 80 grams, chopped
  • Walnuts: 50 grams, roughly chopped
  • Peanuts: 100 grams, crushed
  • Pumpkin Seeds: 30 grams
  • Sunflower Seeds: 30 grams
  • Sesame Seeds: 10 grams
  • Almonds: 50 grams, sliced or chopped
  • Dried Cherries: 100 grams, chopped
  • Candied Fruits: 50 grams, chopped
  • Egg White: 1, from a large egg
  • Honey: 10 grams

Now, let’s get started with the baking process!

Preparing Your Oven

First things first, preheat your oven to 180°C (356°F) to ensure it’s nice and toasty for baking. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper to prevent the cookies from sticking.

Mixing the Dry Ingredients

In a large mixing bowl, combine the chopped dried apricots, walnuts, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, almonds, dried cherries, and candied fruits. Give them a good toss until they’re evenly mixed.

Binding the Mixture

In a separate small bowl, whisk the egg white until it becomes frothy. Then, add the honey and whisk again until everything is well combined. Pour this sweet mixture over your dry ingredients in the large bowl. Stir everything together until the dry ingredients are nicely coated and start sticking together.

Shaping the Cookies

Now comes the fun part – shaping the cookies! Take small portions of the mixture and mold them into cookie shapes. You can use a spoon or your hands for this step. Place each cookie on the prepared baking sheet, making sure to leave some space between them.


Pop the baking sheet into the preheated oven and let the cookies bake for about 12-15 minutes, or until they turn a beautiful golden color and feel firm to the touch.

Cooling and Enjoying

Once your cookies are baked to perfection, remove them from the oven and let them cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes. Then, transfer them to a wire rack to cool completely. Now, it’s time to indulge in these scrumptious treats guilt-free!

Benefits of German Healthy Cookies

These cookies aren’t just tasty – they’re also incredibly nutritious. Here are some benefits:

  • Rich in Fiber: Thanks to the dried fruits and nuts, these cookies are packed with dietary fiber, which is essential for digestive health.
  • Healthy Fats: Nuts and seeds are excellent sources of healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for heart health.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Dried fruits and nuts are loaded with vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium, to keep your body functioning optimally.

FAQ: Can I Customize the Ingredients?

Absolutely! Feel free to experiment with different nuts, seeds, and dried fruits to suit your taste preferences. Just keep the overall quantities similar to maintain the cookie’s texture and consistency.

FAQ: How Long Do These Cookies Last?

When stored in an airtight container at room temperature, these cookies can last for up to one week. However, they’re so delicious that they often disappear much quicker!

FAQ: Are These Cookies Suitable for Vegans?

While these cookies contain egg white, you can easily make them vegan-friendly by substituting the egg white with a vegan alternative, such as aquafaba (the liquid from a can of chickpeas).

FAQ: Can I Substitute Honey with Another Sweetener?

Certainly! If you prefer to avoid honey, you can substitute it with maple syrup, agave nectar, or any other liquid sweetener of your choice. Just be mindful that different sweeteners may alter the flavor slightly.

FAQ: Can I Freeze the Cookie Dough?

Yes, you can! If you want to prepare the dough ahead of time, you can shape it into cookies and freeze them on a baking sheet. Once frozen, transfer the cookies to a resealable freezer bag or container. When ready to bake, simply place the frozen cookies on a baking sheet and bake as directed, adding a few extra minutes to the baking time.


German healthy cookies are a delightful treat that combines the goodness of dried fruits, nuts, and seeds into one delicious package. Whether you enjoy them as a snack or a sweet indulgence, these cookies are sure to satisfy your cravings while providing essential nutrients to keep you going throughout the day. So why wait? Whip up a batch today and treat yourself to a taste of goodness!

So there you have it – a simple yet satisfying recipe for German healthy cookies that’s perfect for any occasion. Give it a try and let your taste buds thank you later!

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