Luscious Lemon-Lime Cherry Pistachio Cheesecake


Indulge in the rich, creamy delight of our Luscious Lemon-Lime Cherry Pistachio Cheesecake. This dessert is a harmonious blend of zesty citrus flavors and the nutty crunch of pistachios, complemented by the sweet juiciness of cherries. Perfect for any occasion, this cheesecake promises to be a showstopper, leaving your guests craving for more. Whether you’re celebrating a special event or simply treating yourself, this cheesecake is a must-try.


Cheesecake has a long and storied history, dating back to ancient Greece. The modern cheesecake as we know it, however, has evolved significantly, especially with the introduction of cream cheese in the United States in the 19th century. Our Luscious Lemon-Lime Cherry Pistachio Cheesecake is a contemporary twist on this classic dessert, combining vibrant citrus notes and a delightful mix of textures that elevate the traditional cheesecake to new heights.

Prep Time: 25 minutes | Cooking Time: 1 hour | Total Time: 5 hours 25 minutes (including cooling and chilling time)
Kcal: 450 kcal



  • 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted

Cheesecake Filling

  • 3 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese, softened
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup fresh lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest
  • 1 tablespoon lime zest
  • 1/2 cup chopped pistachios
  • 1/2 cup chopped cherries


  • Whipped cream
  • Whole cherries
  • Chopped pistachios


Preparation of the Crust

  1. Preheat the Oven
    Begin by preheating your oven to 325°F (163°C). Grease a 9-inch springform pan to ensure the cheesecake doesn’t stick.
  2. Combine the Crust Ingredients
    In a medium bowl, mix together the graham cracker crumbs, 1/4 cup of sugar, and the melted butter. Stir until the mixture resembles wet sand.
  3. Form the Crust
    Press the mixture firmly into the bottom of the prepared springform pan. Use the back of a spoon or a flat-bottomed glass to compact the crumbs evenly.
  4. Bake the Crust
    Bake the crust for about 10 minutes, then remove it from the oven and allow it to cool completely.

Making the Cheesecake Filling

  1. Beat the Cream Cheese and Sugar
    In a large mixing bowl, beat the softened cream cheese and 1 cup of sugar until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Ensure there are no lumps for a silky texture.
  2. Add the Vanilla and Eggs
    Add the vanilla extract to the cream cheese mixture and beat until well combined. Then, add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition to ensure a smooth batter.
  3. Incorporate the Citrus Elements
    Add the fresh lemon juice, lime juice, lemon zest, and lime zest to the cream cheese mixture. Beat until all the ingredients are fully incorporated and the batter is smooth.
  4. Fold in the Pistachios and Cherries
    Gently fold in the chopped pistachios and cherries, distributing them evenly throughout the batter.

Baking the Cheesecake

  1. Pour the Batter Over the Crust
    Pour the prepared cheesecake batter over the cooled crust in the springform pan. Smooth the top with a spatula to ensure an even surface.
  2. Bake the Cheesecake
    Bake the cheesecake in the preheated oven for 50-60 minutes, or until the center is almost set but still slightly jiggly.
  3. Cool the Cheesecake
    Turn off the oven and leave the cheesecake inside with the door slightly open. Let it cool in the oven for about 1 hour to prevent cracking. After that, refrigerate the cheesecake for at least 4 hours, or preferably overnight, to fully set.

Finishing Touches

  1. Top with Whipped Cream
    Before serving, top the cheesecake with generous dollops of whipped cream.
  2. Garnish with Cherries and Pistachios
    Decorate with whole cherries and chopped pistachios for an attractive and delicious finishing touch.

Nutritional Information

  • Calories: 450 kcal per serving
  • Servings: 12 servings


Our Luscious Lemon-Lime Cherry Pistachio Cheesecake is more than just a dessert; it’s an experience. With its perfect balance of tangy and sweet flavors, combined with the delightful crunch of pistachios and the juicy burst of cherries, this cheesecake is sure to become a favorite in your recipe collection. Enjoy each bite of this exquisite treat, and don’t forget to share it with loved ones.

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